Monday, November 18, 2019

Telescope: growing faster than expected

Telescope has been alive for 2 weeks, and its development couldn't get more exciting!

I mentioned in a previous post how the project seemed to be a bit chaotic at the beginning, mostly because of the number of people involved in it and the different sets of skills and experience that each contributor has.

Well, that was last week. This week, we have a very enthusiastic group of developers exchanging ideas, offering help, being passionate about their contributions, and all that with a surprising level of organization completely unexpected (at least to me) for a group this big, and we're taking about between 50 and 60 people. As I said before, it's been fascinating to watch it grow, and I couldn't be happier to be part of it.

But there's more. At a personal level, I've been able to contribute to many parts of the project, and in may different ways! Back-end, containers, documentation, testing, CI... all that in just 2 weeks! In some cases, I added features that will enhance the capabilities of the project, in others I just made small changes or suggested someone a different approach for what they were working on. It's been a very enriching experience because not only I had to review and refresh previous knowledge to be able to offer some help, but also I had to do a significant amount of self-teaching so I could take on certain issues and complete some tasks.

So far:

Also, I reviewed other people's contributions, I collaborated with other developers to add docker to the project and write documentation about how to use it, I gave some advice about how to add tests using mock responses... and this is only the beginning! In the next 2 weeks, I'll be able to do some more work, and the best part is that even if I'm not directly involved in some part of the project, I'll be able to review or at least take a look at what others did to solve some problem and learn a lot from it. What else could I ask for?

The only downside of all this is that I got a bit too distracted and I didn't contribute to another projects, as I was hoping to. My plan was to work on a PenguinV's issue, but since I didn't, I'll try to get it done this week, and hopefully take on another PenguinV's issue next week.

As usual, good hacking and have fun!


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